ซ่อมคอมพิวเตอร์นอกสถานที่ บางกะปิ

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

[PC] Crusader No Remorse [one2up]

It's a rare treat when a game is so viscerally exciting that its shortcomings can be overlooked. Such is the case with Crusader: No Remorse, a hyper-violent shooter from Origin Systems. Forget the cheesy full motion video scenes and the obligatory bad acting. Forget the sometimes frustrating controls which can send your character jumping across the screen without warning. In Crusader, only one thing is important: Things blow up real good. 
The game is set in a cartoon-like, Orwellian future. Individual rights are nonexistent, and every aspect of daily life has come under the control of the World Economic Consortium. As a defector from the WEC's elite Silencer force, you have lent your skills to the resistance movement. The tone is set by the excellent packaging materials, which recall the halcyon days of the late, great Infocom. Included is a Consortium handbook with scrawled notes from your resistance comrades and a hilarious newsletter showing everyday living in this brave new world, both of which give depth to the otherwise search-and-destroy nature of the game.


ควรใช้โปรแกรม 7-zip ในการแตกไฟล์

http://dl-10.one2up.com/onetwo/c ... 7bb0f8c11c154107.7z


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