ซ่อมคอมพิวเตอร์นอกสถานที่ บางกะปิ

วันศุกร์ที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC v2015.007.20033 Multilengua

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC v2015.007.20033 Multilenguaje
Spanish Incl. | Medicina Incl. | WIN/MAC | 545 MB  

 n this tutorial I will explain step by step where to download, how to install and activate the next generation of Adobe Acrobat product, the Acrobat DC. This is the next major version after Acrobat XI and looks so much better. More than a pretty UI, now is more connected to the Cloud than ever and provides interesting features. Perhaps, in this post I don't pretend to to review this new version and to explain how to activate it.

Acrobat DC is the completely reimagined desktop version of the world’s best PDF solution. It includes a mobile app so you can fill, sign and share PDFs on any device. And with Document Cloud services, you can create, export, edit and track PDFs from anywhere — and stay connected to recent files across all your devices.

Where to download?
With the release of Adobe 2015 CC suite, you can get Acrobat Pro DC (trial of full if you purchase it). However, for a successful activation we won't going there. I have a post with a list of all Adobe 2015 CC products and instructions of how to download them. Once you download the DC executable file move to the next step.
See the post here

How to install?
The installation is quite simple, although I just want to leave some tips and notes to make sure the activation will work as a charm.
When you run the setup file, named as Acrobat_DC_Web_WWMUI.exe, firstly it will extract and prepare the files for the installation. So basically you just have too choose a place where to extract (which by default is Desktop folder) and click 

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