ซ่อมคอมพิวเตอร์นอกสถานที่ บางกะปิ

วันเสาร์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

[PC] Half-life [one2up]

Half-Life Black Mesa (Black Mesa Research Institute) secret government research facility in New Mexico. The research was conducted. Teleportation is a Dr. Wallace Breen is the Director of the Institute Dr. Gordon Freeman is an assistant at the invitation of the Anomalous Materials Dr.Isacc Kleiner because Dr. Gordon Freeman is interested to Quantum Teleportation gone one day. He has worked with Quantum Teleportation. It has functions to access an object that is similar in dimension stone glow Xen Dr. Gordon Freeman have access to it. Suddenly there was a violent explosion. Gordon took the machine to Xen temporal dimension.

Though Gordon survived the explosion. Unlike the others who died, but aliens from Dimension Xen into the Black Mesa had to fight the aliens, but Gordon is G-Man took the unconscious and into the time dimension and offer him. is. It worked for him. Or alien swarm kill that Gordon has to work for G-Man the news about the explosion of Black Mesa and feared the big news has sent soldiers with Adrian Shepard from (the Opposing Force) to kill Gordon Freeman. which nearly succeeded, but was captured and imprisoned in plane G-Man can not escape the Barney Calhoun, a security guard., in the Black Mesa Research Institute. I tried to find a way to integrate with Dr. Rosenberg teleports away until the finish.

Half-Life Blue Shift is the second expansion pack produced by the Gearbox player will act as a security guard Barney Calhoun's. Black Mesa Research Institute. I was told to go to help people in the bombing of the experiment, whereas the G to the elevators to the falls, it was suggested by Dr. Barney Calhoun, one of them escaped to the aqueduct and canal were to meet with Dr. Rosenberg was led away by a warp away.

Half-Life Opposing Force expansion pack to the one developed by Gearbox, the player is given the role of the U.S. Army, Marine Corporal Adrian Shephard. Were sent to find Gordon Freeman (the characters in Half-Life), featuring the first step we are going to fly by helicopter to the Black Mesa Research Institute. But the explosion of the alien craft shot down flying a helicopter crash beam attack.

Microsoft Windows XP ME 2000 NT 98 95
CPU Intel P3 1 GHz
HD 700 MB


Part 1

  1. www.diskloading.com

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